Best Vitamins for Eyes: 5 Foods For Your Eye Health

25th Sep 2023

Ever caught yourself squinting at the fine print or simply wanting to give your eyes a little nutritional boost?

You're not alone in wondering which vitamins are best for the eyes. With so much buzz and a myriad of information out there, pinpointing the recommended eye vitamins can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

We've curated a list of recommended eye vitamins, breaking down the essentials for better vision.

So, let's clear the air: What vitamin is truly good for eyesight?

1. Vitamin A

Where to find it:

While carrots are known worldwide, there's an array of other nutritious sources to consider. Think of potatoes, spinach, kale and even the delectable apricots and mangoes.

Why not?

Vitamin A is important for maintaining good eyesight, especially under dim light. It’s like a moisturiser for our eyes to ensure they remain comfortable and our night vision stays on point.

2. Vitamin C

Where to find it:

Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries (any berry you could think of), all kinds of citrus fruits and tropical ones like guava and kiwi.

Why not?

These act as a protection against potential eye diseases like cataracts, which occur at any age. For people who use glasses or contacts, it’s an added layer of safeguard you can surely use.

3. Vitamin E

Where to find it:

Nuts and seeds are more than just your salad’s crunchy bits and snacks. Almonds, sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts, which you can find in your delicious pastries, are all rich in Vitamin E.

Why not?

Think of vitamin E as your eye’s personal bodyguard against harm. It helps protect the eyes from harmful free radicals and can slow down age-related macular degeneration.

4. Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Where to find it:

Egg yolks, corn, green leafy veggies like spinach and kale (perhaps in your next green smoothie?), and even grapes are your go-to for these two.

Why not?

They filter harmful blue light and help maintain the health of the macula, the part of the retina responsible for central vision.

5. Zinc

Where to find it:

Oysters from the pristine waters of Tasmania or lamb chops at your favourite Aussie BBQ are good sources of zinc.

Why not?

Zinc plays a pivotal role in maintaining the retina's health and may prevent age-related macular degeneration.

Quick Eye-Health Tips:

  • Season's Best: Whatever the season, nature's always got something delicious and nutritious up its sleeve. Fresh, seasonal produce ensures we get diverse nutrients all year round.
  • Balance is key: Create a colourful plate. The more variety, the better. A good mix ensures our eyes get all the nourishment they need.
  • Whole Foods First: While supplements are an option, whole foods pack in more goodness. They offer additional beneficial compounds and, of course, tantalise our taste buds in ways pills just can't.
  • Stay Hydrated: Whether it's a refreshing glass of water or a herbal tea, staying hydrated is very important. It's one of the simplest ways to keep our eyes feeling great, especially with contacts in.
  • Proper Lens Care: Even the best diet needs a partner in crime. And in our case, it's proper lens care. For all the info and contact lenses you might need, Lens World has got you covered.
  • Cooking Techniques: Ever tried roasting carrots to bring out their sweetness or adding a dash of olive oil to your spinach to enhance the absorption of nutrients? The way we prepare our foods can make a big difference.
  • Explore and Experiment: The world of food is vast and varied. Ever thought of making a blueberry and kiwi smoothie or garnishing your salad with sunflower seeds? Sometimes, the quirkiest combinations are the most beneficial (and tasty!).
  • Listen to Your Body: While we're all for experimenting, it's also essential to listen to our bodies. If something doesn't agree with you, it's okay. There are plenty of fish (rich in Omega-3 for eye health, by the way!) in the sea.

